Sustainability Policy

Stakeholder Engagement Policy

Human Rights Policy

Environmental Policy


Shikun & Binui is a leading business group specializing in construction, real estate, energy and water, which has adopted sustainability as a business strategy and vision – “To be a leading business group creating advanced and sustainable living environments in Israel and around the world, for us and for generations to come”.

Shikun & Binui is aware of the numerous challenges facing humanity and its impact on society, the environment and the economy in its areas of operation. Shikun & Binui is therefore committed to conduct its business according to the sustainability approach, striving to promote sustainable development, minimize its ecological footprint and create shared value for the Company and its stakeholders in Israel and worldwide.

The policy constitutes a framework document that underlies the Group’s guiding principles and other policy documents.


  • Ethics and compliance – Shikun & Binui is committed to conducting its business ethically, responsibly and professionally, with strict adherence to the law, taking the beyond-compliance approach.
  • Sustainability – at the strategy’s core – Shikun & Binui is committed to constructing high quality buildings and infrastructures that will enable their users to lead a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
  • Innovation – at the strategy’s core – Shikun & Binui is committed to promoting innovation as the Group’s main growth engine and to fostering an organizational culture that encourages excellence, efficiency and challenging thinking.
  • Managing sustainability risks – Shikun & Binui is committed to managing the social, environmental and economic risks arising from its activity.
  • Striving for excellence – Shikun & Binui is committed to measuring and controlling the impact of its activity on the environment, seeking continued improvement thereof.
  • Safety as a supreme value – Shikun & Binui is committed to tirelessly guard the safety and health of its employees, and to implement advanced management and training systems in order to prevent accidents and protect human life.
  • Upholding human rights – Shikun & Binui is committed to denouncing any infringement of human rights and to acting with proper sensitivity among the communities in which it operates.
  • Protecting the environment and biodiversity – Shikun & Binui is committed to safeguarding the environment for the sake of man and biological diversity and to taking proactive steps to protect the environment in its sites.
  • Resource consumption management – Shikun & Binui is committed to optimizing its energy and water consumption and to promoting a holistic approach to waste management and materials consumption, inter alia to mitigate its impact on climate change.
  • Stakeholder engagement – As part of its ongoing business activities, Shikun & Binui is committed to acting transparently and to promoting mutually beneficial cooperation processes with its stakeholders.
  • Employment diversity – Shikun & Binui is committed to maintaining a respectful work environment, which supports diversity and equal opportunity, and to preventing any form of discrimination.
  • Supply chain management – Shikun & Binui is committed to giving preference to suppliers, subcontractors and business partners who are committed to the values underlying its Sustainability policy.
  • Community outreach – Shikun & Binui is committed to cultivating the society in which it operates and to promoting a culture of giving back to the community among.


Who are our stakeholders?

Shikun & Binui Group, its subsidiaries and the business units under its control have many stakeholders – some are permanent and some vary, some at group and subsidiaries level and some on the local level in our various projects around the world. Our stakeholders are individuals, groups or organizations from all sectors and sizes, which may be significantly affected by the group’s direct or indirect activity or significantly affect its activity. Our stakeholders include, inter alia, employees, customers, shareholders, investors, financing bodies, governments, local councils and public institutes, business partners, suppliers, contractors and subcontractors, local communities and neighbors, social and environmental organizations, trade unions and media.

Vision and objectives

“To be a leading business group that creates a sustainable, advanced environment in Israel and around the world, for us and for the next generations.”

From Shikun & Binui Group’s vision

Including our stakeholders is an important layer of the sustainability vision adopted by Shikun & Binui Group. Shikun & Binui, its managers and employees, strive to include major stakeholders related to the Group’s activity in issues that are perceived as material for them or for the group. We will promote effective inclusion processes with our stakeholders as part of our business activity routine to examine solutions that accommodate their needs.

Stakeholder engagement helps us achieve the following objectives:

  • Creating shared value – identification and realization of opportunities to create additional, real and sustainable value for the group and its stakeholders (winwin).
  • Reinforcing sustainable business growth – identification of trends that may direct and affect the group’s business tasks, and adjust our way of action to the changing needs of our stakeholders and to the challenges that emerge in the local and global arenas.
  • Instilling the group’s values – instilling the group’s values in the group’s employees and managers, coupled with connecting our stakeholders to the group’s vision and finding common ground for long-term success.
  • Risk management – promote dispute resolution and removal of barriers that may arise in connection with the group’s activity, thereby reducing risks associated with group’s activities.
Management of stakeholder engagement processes

Shikun & Binui addresses the expectations and needs of its stakeholders. We are committed to comply with all the regulatory applicable requirements in this regard and also to exceed them in order to develop a positive, trust-based and long-term relationship with our stakeholders.

We are committed to maintain stakeholder engagement processes based on the following principles:

  • Proactivity – promote communication with our stakeholders using varied means and in the earliest possible stage of the project.
  • Effectiveness – establish effective engagement processes with our stakeholders and allocate the required resources to that end.
  • Methodically – manage engagement processes in a professional, structured manner and produce lessons in favor of improving future processes.
  • Flexibility – examine essential issues arising in the engagement processes openly, with agility and good will, and adjust solutions to given circumstances.



Shikun & Binui is a leading business group that creates a sustainable and advanced living environment in Israel and around the world. Wherever we operate, we are committed to upholding the rule of law and to avoiding any violation of human rights.

Human rights are natural rights and liberties every person is entitled to under international agreements. Shikun & Binui respects and supports international human rights conventions and acts to uphold human rights in its activities in Israel and around the world. Shikun & Binui denounces any violation of human rights and regards human rights violations as a failure that is in direct contradiction to the Company’s policies, best interests, values and Code of Ethics.

This Policy outlines the principles underlying Shikun & Binui’s human rights practices in its various activities and provides guidelines for Shikun & Binui’s dialogue with its stakeholders , such as employees, customers, neighboring communities, suppliers, consultants and any other entity from which products or services are procured.


The purpose of this paper is to outline the principles underlying the activities of the Company’s headquarters and

business units, in order to:

  • prevent, human rights violations by Shikun & Binui activities;
  • increase awareness, share and instill knowledge among all stakeholders;
  • ensure that Shikun & Binui manage human rights risks.


Shikun & Binui implements the following key principles in its activities in Israel and around the world:

  • Employment terms and work conditions
  • Shikun & Binui adheres to fair employment practices for all its employees in Israel and abroad, including fair

wages, paid annual leave, and protecting the employees’ privacy.

  • Shikun & Binui maintains a respectful work environment and shows zero tolerance towards sexual harassment.
  • Shikun & Binui refrains from forced labor practices and keeping personal documents of employees against their will.
  • Shikun & Binui refrains from child labor and adheres to the minimum age requirements prescribed by law.
  • Shikun & Binui refrains from any type of discrimination, implementing objective criteria in its hiring practices and adhering to equal opportunity practices.
  • Upholding freedom of association
  • Shikun & Binui recognizes its employers’ right of association and enables them to negotiate their rights.
  • Work health and safety
  • Shikun & Binui maintains the health and safety of its employees in all its sites. Shikun & Binui has safety committees in place, implements advanced management systems to maintain the employees’ health and human lives, and holds safety training for Shikun & Binui’s employees in Israel and abroad.
  • Security
  • Shikun & Binui recognizes that its sites may be targeted by acts of sabotage and terrorism and strives to secure the sites and the employees working in them.
  • In times of peace, Shikun & Binui and its security array strive to avoid compromising the freedom of movement of nearby communities.
  • Purchasing and managing local land
  • Shikun & Binui is adequately sensitive, and consults local communities with the purpose of minimizing any adverse impacts around its sites.
  • Shikun & Binui respects cultural rights of native populations in its work sites and respects sites of cultural, religious or historical value.
  • As a rule, in case of the need for evacuation, Shikun & Binui strives to reach mutual agreement with the respective local community.
  • Prevention of bribery and corruption
  • Shikun & Binui has a zero-tolerance policy towards bribes and corruption, and views with great severity any offer, provision or acceptance of bribes or other illegal incentive by its employees, consultants, representatives, suppliers, partners and any other party acting on its behalf.
  • Shikun & Binui implements and enforce  an anti-bribery and corruption program in Israel and around the world.
  • Healthy environment and society
  • Shikun & Binui has programs to minimize its adverse impact on the environment and society in its areas of activity in Israel and around the world.
  • Shikun & Binui maintains a proper level of hygiene in its employees’ housing.

For more information about the Company’s policies on these and other matters, please see also Shikun & Binui’s Code of Ethics.



To implement this policy, Shikun & Binui adopts and promotes a series of actions, with the main ones being as follows:

  • Policies and procedures – Human rights issues have been incorporated, inter alia, in the employment agreements of

Shikun & Binui’s employees, and are reflected in the Company’s programs and procedures;

  • Stakeholder engagement – Focus on stakeholder engagement in the Company’s overall risk management, especially in its interface with local communities;
  • Reporting and consulting – Appointment of professional parties in the Company to serve as points of contact regarding human rights dilemmas and the creation of anonymous reporting mechanisms.

Revised: June 12th , 2017





Shikun & Binui Ltd. has adopted sustainability as part and parcel of its vision. We recognize that our business activity may have a material impact on the environment, and strive to have a positive, value-added impact that will benefit our various stakeholders.

As part of this commitment, the Group promotes a sustainable living environment and implements high-quality environmental standards in its activities, such as green building practices pursuant to Israeli Standard 5281, the British BREEAM standard and the American LEED standard, as well as promoting the Greenroads standard for green infrastructure. In addition, the Group strives to protect the environment for the benefit of man and biological diversity, for us and for generations to come.

Shikun & Binui is committed to:

  • complying with environmental regulations and requirements applicable to all our activities in Israel and around the world.
  • instilling advanced work methods and procedures among the Group’s employees, partners and material sub-contractors, in part by ISO14001 certification in relevant operations.
  • identifying environmental risks arising from our activities, in the short- and longterm, in order to minimize our adverse impact on the environment and maximize our positive impact, inter alia by adopting innovative technologies.
  • initiating steps to protect and rehabilitate the environment and doing anything in our power to prevent environmental contamination, pollution and nuisances occurring as a result of our activities.
  • making more efficient use of our energy and water resources and reducing the use of fossil fuels in order to decrease the Group’s carbon footprint and minimize our impact on climate changes.
  • minimizing the amount of waste created during our activity, inter alia, by reusing waste and materials and reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills by favoring end solutions of recycling or recovery. Waste evacuation will be carried out in a responsible and safe way to prevent environmental hazards.
  • promoting a holistic resource management approach, including by considering the use of raw materials with low-impact on the environment, recycled materials and locally procured materials, and seeking to reduce the consumption of virgin raw materials.
  • creating knowledge sharing channels within the Group and instilling a corporate culture that is committed to protecting the environment, inter alia by training employees and developing tools to increase sustainability awareness.
  • giving preference to suppliers, subcontractors and business partners committed to the values of our environmental policy.
  • measuring and controlling the impact of our activity on the environment, and strive for continuous improvement thereof.


Revised: November 29, 2017

תודה! פנייתך התקבלה.

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 קבלתך לתפקיד, בהתאם להוראות החוק.